We offer a varied programme of events throughout the year in addition to the annual Berwick Food & Beer Festival, including: talks, educational workshops, social events and visits.
We have some exciting events planned for 2025, including another Dinner and Talk, a brewery trip and some more local guided foraging walks.
If you have a suggestion for an event you'd like to see in our programme, please get in touch!
2025 Berwick Slow Food AGM & Friends Mixer
Our 2025 Annual General Meeting and Friends’ Mixer will be held on Wednesday 19th March 2025, 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start at the Berwick YHA (meeting room), Dewar’s Lane.
As you know, the Berwick Slow Food group is run by a team of volunteers who make up the Management Committee, including x3 elected officers (Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) as well as up to 8 other elected members who share various roles including an Events Coordinator, Communications & Marketing Coordinator and the Berwick Food & Beer Festival Director/s.
For 2025, we’re actively looking for volunteers to stand as Treasurer and Secretary - get in touch at [email protected] and [email protected] for an informal chat with the current post holders.
See the full Committee Roles & Responsibilities

Spring Talk & Dinner
Did you know that - like Champagne - the terroir, farming and harvesting techniques all impact how pepper tastes?
Following on from our successful Mediaeval-themed Autumn Dinner and Talk, join Berwick Slow Food for our Spring Talk & Dinner event, on the topic of ‘Pepper’. We are pleased to welcome Michael Winters of Kadode Kampot Peppers to give a talk on Pepper - The Overlooked Spice which will be followed by a 3-course pepper-themed dinner.
£25 per person/£22.50 for Berwick Slow Food members. Welcome drink included in the ticket price and additional drinks available on a 'by donation' basis.
Booking is mandatory and can be done by emailing us on [email protected]

Foraging sessions
Following on from our very successful foraging session along the Tweed last year, we are delighted that Jo Thomas has agreed to lead a programme of sessions in 2025. All walks will start at 10.30am from Northern Soul Kitchen, West Street and will run for approx 2 hours. Child and dog-friendly and bring your own reusable cup to be filled at NSK. Hold the dates for now - we’ll be taking bookings nearer to the time.
Sunday 4th May: Seasonal Foraging Walk around Berwick with Jo to taste the plants of late Spring, soaking in the sights and smells of our local wild edibles.
Sunday 13th July: Seaweed & Coastline Forage. Ramble with Jo over the dunes and search rockpools for coastal edible plants, whilst learning to identify native seaweeds.
Sunday 7th September: Autumn Fruits Forage. Walk with Jo to learn about the bounty of wild fruits and berries in season and taste some delicious wild condiments.

Berwick Food & Beer Festival 2025
We're still buzzing from the incredible 2024 Festival weekend and we'd like to thank our amazing sponsors, Simpsons Malt, Tempest Brewing Co, Rennie Welch, Greaves, West & Ayre, and Berwick Chamber of Trade.
We are pleased to announce that our festival directors Ray & Millie McRobbie will be continuing in their role for 2025 so stay tuned for plans for next year...
So save the date for the 18th Annual Berwick Food & Beer Festival:
Friday 15th - Sunday 17th August 2025